
By using the lens of Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) when analyzing real estate operations, I’ve been able to add millions of dollars in additional Net Operating Income (NOI) and tens of millions of dollars in additional asset value through improvements in process, standards and systems.

By shifting the focus away from immediate, short-term gains typical in most operations, I’ve been able to help generate more a more transparent and sustainable Return On Investment for my clients that reduces operating costs across multiple lines of their P&L.

The TCO Method ® reveals the strategies, tactics, systems and standards I use when working with owners and operators of commercial real estate to find and create efficiencies, negotiate vendor relationships,  develop specifications & operating procedures and more.


Massively Increase Your Net Operating Income ™ with The TCO Method ® - available on YouTube and wherever podcasts are found.


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Andy McQuade Sitting & Smiling at the camera
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